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Notes from St. Mary's/Holy Family Parish Council Meeting

Writer's picture: Fr. Frank JayFr. Frank Jay

6:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 24th, 2024


Present:  Fr. Frank, Mary Pendergast, Denise Jakubiak

Regrets: Don Clark, Valerie and Paul Cyr, Zenaida and Glenn Saldonha, Maggie LeClair


Prior to the Meeting:  A parishioner asked to speak with the Council and described an urgent need in our community for warm winter clothing as well as blankets. We were unaware, as many in our community probably are, that there are people living in their cars or homeless in our town.  We agreed that this needs to be addressed and have initiated a warm clothing drive or request from parishioners. It is something the Council should discuss as there is probably more that we can do.

            Update:  A concern was voiced about how we distribute whatever is collected, and it was suggested we talk with Theresa Cousins about this issue which Fr Frank did but she is not able to collect or distribute these items.  Many donations of warm clothing and blankets did come in after Fr. Frank's appeal which was very good to see.

Our numbers were down for Council members present, but it was agreed we would discuss what we could. Following the #1. Opening Prayer and #2. Approval of the Agenda, there was a review of #3. November Meeting Notes with no errors or omissions noted.  It was agreed that the Christmas Music Evening on December 17th was a great success, and a lovely sharing of community for parishioners of both St. Mary's/Holy Family and St. James Parishes. It was agreed it should be an annual event.

#4.  Council Objectives:

·        Greeters:  Denise has assumed responsibility for this along with readers and lay ministers, so thank you Denise!  CWL is doing the 'Welcoming Ministry' on 2nd Sundays of the month and Knights on 3rd Sunday which leaves 1st and 4th Sundays for the others on the list.

·        Children's Mass:  the First Communion class is doing well with Joanne McCarvill and there may be a possibility of another Children's mass later in the spring. For now, with winter, somewhat unpredictable, weather this is on hold.

·        Spotlight on Parishioners:  Ivan and Betty Gallant did a great job of speaking about their connections to the parish in January and I will arrange someone else for March.  Suggestions from Denise were Maria (our Polish friend) and/or Erskine and Susan Ashley. Ivan had suggested some of the older many-generational parishioners, such as the MacLellans. I will check with these people and see what we can arrange for March and maybe April/May.

·         The revisions to the Letter to Parishioners, creation of the Monthly Events Calendar, and the Lists of Parish committees & Volunteers are all still in the works. They will happen!

#5.  Upcoming Events: 

·        the Parish Choir performed at Clinton View Lodge Friday, January 26th to great enthusiasm and an invitation to return.  According to Vera MacGregor, events coordinator, the residents really enjoyed it all. Thanks to everyone in the choir for the extra practices and effort, and we all agreed it is something we would do again. It's great to see how much pleasure everyone had from it all!

·         Synod Discussions – the next one occurred February 19th and Fr. Frank informed us of some of the discussions and the importance of this journey – the term Synodality is walking together to move forward.

The Parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) was to be sometime in February, but I don't believe a date has been set yet.

 Parish Council Next Meeting is 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 6th,

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